Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Aesthetic Dentistry
Problems that develop in connection with teeth loss and imperfections may have a negative impact on both the mental health and psychology of people. It is known that individuals even avoid smiling due to a lack of self-confidence. Aesthetic dentistry, which is currently most preferred, particularly in this respect, is a branch of dental medicine containing implementations that ensure people have a better smile.
Smile Design
For a beautiful smile, it is required that, in addition to healthy, clean, and white teeth, the shape and colour of teeth are in harmony with the individual’s face and personality. Smile design, which includes many processes, is a set of procedures by which aesthetic defects existing in teeth and gums are corrected, and the most natural and beautiful designs are executed according to the face shapes of individuals.
i. A Charming Aesthetic Smile
Charming smile, which makes smiling more attractive and also makes individual to look younger than he/she actually is, is a design that features front teeth.
ii. Sportive Smile
This is a smile where the middle incisors are designed to be longer than the side incisors.
iii. Intellectual Smile
In this design, teeth are designed to be at the same level. This gives a more mature look to individuals.
Teeth Whitening
Healthy and white teeth are important for all individuals. In daily life, teeth yellow and darken for various reasons, which produce a bad look in aesthetic respect, which impacts smiling negatively. Teeth whitening is the procedure of cleaning off the colored, organic, and inorganic substances on the porous dentin structures. Thanks to this procedure, yellowing and spots on teeth can be removed. There are many different methods for tooth whitening.
i. Teeth Whitening at Home
Home-type teeth whitening is a process that is performed using special whitening plates manufactured according to the inner measure of the person’s mouth. These plates, which contain a certain amount of whitening gel, are placed in the mouth and kept in for 4 to 6 hours during the day. This can be implemented for 10 to 15 days.
ii. Teeth Whitening in Clinical Environment
Also called office type teeth whitening, teeth whitening in a clinical environment is a method that is performed by activating the whitening gel spread on the teeth by UV beams or laser. It is done in a clinic by a dentist. It is a simple and short-lasting treatment, and its effects can be seen quickly.
iii. Combined Teeth Whitening
This is done by using both home-type and office-type tooth whitening applications together. Thanks to this procedure, the operation performed in a clinical environment is reinforced by the process continued at home, and a strong whiteness can be obtained.
iv. Single Tooth Whitening
Also referred to as "internal whitening," this method is generally preferred for teeth that are discoloured following root canal treatment. While this whitening procedure is performed, the filling in the tooth is removed, and the treatment is administered to the cavity using whitening gel. After that, the cavity is closed again using temporary filling. The procedure is repeated until the desired colour tone is obtained..
Porcelain Fillings
This is a filling method used to resolve tooth defects. In the event that the chewing surface of the natural tooth is damaged due to reasons such as decay or trauma, standard fillings and coatings may remain inefficient. It is preferred, especially in cases when the loss of teeth is excessive. This method is done by attaching specially prepared porcelain fillings to the missing parts of the tooth. It is much more aesthetic and practical compared to amalgam fillings. Complying with the tooth’s own color and form, porcelain fillings preserve the natural structure and appearance.
Laminate Treatment
This is a method that is preferred, especially by individuals who are not happy with their front teeth. In laminate treatment, by which aesthetic defects such as deformity, disjunction, and chips that occurred for any reason are resolved, the nature and strength of the tooth are preserved. After a very fine polishing process, porcelain layers are attached to the teeth. This ensures people who complain about the colour of their teeth have whiter teeth with a more natural appearance. The duration of the treatment for each patient may vary. However, for a standard laminate coating, 3 sessions are adequate.
It is a frequently preferred treatment method in the field of aesthetic dentistry in order to ensure tooth integrity. It is applied by hardening the composite filling and glueing it to the tooth in order to change the colour or shape of the tooth without any abrasion process. It allows the removal of existing fractures, separations, and deformities. Thus, individuals have a much more aesthetic smile. It is a painless and long-lasting procedure that usually does not require even local anesthesia.
Zirconium Dental Coating
Zirconium dental coating is a procedure carried out by applying zirconium material on the surface of a tooth. Having the properties of light transmittance as it is translucent, zirconium coating has a natural appearance and is resistant to oxidation. It is also considerably durable against breaking and cracking. Even if it is generally preferred to restore decayed teeth, it is also used for an aesthetic smile and whiter teeth. Although zirconium coating has an appearance natural enough to be applied on the front teeth, it is solid and resistant enough to be applied on the back teeth as well. It does not distort the sense of taste and does not contain ingredients that cause bad breath.