Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Baby Face Beauty
Often preferred for its successful results in the areas of skin mark treatment and skin renewing, Baby Face Beauty is the first choice of those who wish to have skin that glows and can stay young. Baby Face Beauty ensures the penetration of the substances, which can never be able to completely reach the lower layers, into the deepest area to enable individuals to have a smooth, firm, spotless, bright, radiant and baby face.
By means of laser beams, channels of approximately 100 microns in diameter are opened. Nano particles containing stem cells such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, retinol, resveratrol, and tranexamicacid are given into the skin according to the needs of the individual. In this way, both laser effects are generated and antioxidant, anti-aging, and spot clearing agents are ensured to have an irradiating effect on the skin.
This FDA-approved technique has many differences from other laser treatments. The fact that the treatment period is considerably short provides a great advantage. The operation, which takes about 10 minutes, does not cause any pain. No traces occur except for minor redness that disappears in a short time. Individuals can continue their daily lives as it is.
Baby Face Beauty can be used for the following operations:
• Classical skin care
• Skin and pore firming
• Wrinkle removal
• Neck and cleavage care
• Anti-aging care
• Removing the sunspots
• Scar treatment
• Skin brightening
Baby Face administration is a process that impacts the layer that lies between the epidermis and dermis. Even if minor incrustations occur in the areas where the process is carried out, this is not a situation to be worried about. because they will disappear within a week and the skin will show off on a new surface. It is very important to exercise the special procedures that are instructed by the specialist before and after the application.