Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Brain Program
The brain is the control centre of the whole body. The primary requirements for a healthy and happy life are undoubtedly good brain functions and a strong memory. Over time, the intense accumulation of toxins and heavy metals in the body causes insufficient blood and oxygen to be transported to the brain, resulting in the weakening of the brain cells and the loss of their functions. If the brain vessels are not cleansed of harmful deposits and toxins, disorders such as headaches of unknown origin, migraines, irritability, depression, forgetfulness, memory loss, difficulty thinking, Parkinson's and autism in children begin to develop. In addition, the brain cannot adequately control the other organs and systems of the organism. This process causes various diseases to be seen throughout the body.
Symptoms of cerebrovascular diseases are:
• Distraction and memory loss
• Hearing loss and tinnitus
• Visual disorder
• Frequent headache
• Endocrine disorders
• air sensitivity
• Irritability and depression
• Getting tired quickly and feeling weak
• High or low blood pressure
• Balance disorder while walking
• Insomnia
Developed for a strong brain health, the Brain Program cleanses the blood vessels of the brain, removes heavy metals from the brain, and strengthens it. Designed to improve brain function and brain health in both men and women, this program provides all the nutrients and oxygen the brain needs. Thus, the control function of the brain over all organs of the body improves.
The Brain Program quickly and effectively improves mental performance. It supports the mind to work at its maximum capacity by improving cognitive functions and memory. It strengthens memory and increases focus as well as providing mental clarity and endurance. It improves general and mental health by reducing stress.