Infinity Regenerative Clinic
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Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Cupping Therapy

The history of cupping therapy, colloquially known as hajamat, dates back thousands of years. Cupping therapy, which is one of the traditional methods frequently used, especially in pain treatment, is based on the creation of positive effects on tissues and organs through various stimuli.

Cupping therapy is based on vacuuming. With the specially designed cups creating a vacuum effect in the area where the treatment will be performed, the blood flow in capillaries is collected into the targeted area. Thus, it is ensured that the blood rushes to the area where the air pressure decreases. The goal is to make the blood circulation much more regular.

Cupping therapy strengthens the immune system and improves skin health. It allows the person to relax and removes stress factors, as well as contributes to the elimination of toxins in the blood and optimises brain functions. It facilitates digestion and prevents muscle cramps. It lowers high blood pressure. It relieves back, neck, and shoulder pain and headaches. It treats calcification and joint problems.

Cupping therapy can be used to treat the following conditions:
• Musculoskeletal system disorders
• Fatigue and asthenia
• Obesity
• Rheumatism
• Headache and migraine
• Hypertension
• Diabetes
• Immune system weaknesses

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