Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Diabetes Program
Diabetes is a chronic condition. It develops as a result of insufficient production of the insulin hormone due to the loss of function in the pancreas or the ineffectiveness of the produced insulin, and progresses to increased levels of blood sugar. Depending on the constantly elevated blood sugar, important health problems may develop in the future. The main symptoms of diabetes, which is one of the most common diseases in the world, include feelings of dryness in the mouth; excessive water consumption; frequent urination; fatigue; weakness; sudden and involuntary weight loss; numbness and loss of sensation in organs far from the heart, such as feet and hands; dryness of the skin and itching; recurrent infections; and delayed healing of wounds.
Infinity Regenerative Clinic’s approach to diabetes and patients with this condition is different. The Diabetes Program aims to completely relieve diabetics from this condition by eliminating the source of the disease, not its controlled continuity by reducing the symptoms of the disease.
The desired results are to return blood sugar to balance in diabetic patients as in healthy people and to revitalise and reactivate the damaged organs. The Diabetes Program, which contains no hormone, is carefully applied to the patient during the treatment. Its natural composition enriches the patient's body with alkaline radicals. Its high alkaline potential strengthens the cells' function of consuming sugar, allowing blood sugar to fall back to normal values. It facilitates the absorption of necessary minerals and vitamins by regenerating the metabolism. It regulates liver function, especially glycogen synthesis. It also improves gastrointestinal and renal function.
The most outstanding aspect of the diabetes programme is that it regulates and stabilises blood sugar but has no side effects, except in very rare cases. This programme can be used safely by diabetics regardless of the severity of diabetes, the damage to internal organs, or the age of the patient. With the holistic approaches implemented within the scope of the Diabetes Program, the immune system not only defeats diabetes but also gets stronger against all other diseases. This rejuvenates the body, improves the quality of life, and extends the life span.