Infinity Regenerative Clinic
The sites first noticed and most complained about during the manifestation stage of the ageing process are the hands, face, knees, elbows, and, particularly in women, the cleavage area. These changes are not associated with ageing alone but also with subcutaneous soft tissue loss and variations in bone structure. Today, a much better understanding of the ageing process ensures the creation of perfect solutions to existing problems.
Filler applications have been developed to be able to eliminate skin problems. The primary purpose of the filler applications, which are performed by subcutaneous injection and replace the substances that are reduced with time, is to fill the areas of volume loss in the face. Barcode lines around the lips and grooves at the corners of the nose are removed. Cheeks and cheekbones are made apparent. Under eye hollows and bruises are improved.
Filler applications are used for the following processes:
• Lifting the eyebrows
• Plump up the lips
• Correcting the asymmetries in the face
• Emphasizing the cheeks
• Reducing lines and wrinkles
• Correcting the hollowness of the temporal area
• Lifting the corners of the lips
• Resolve the under-eye volume problems
• Correcting nasal height problems
• Removing the dents occurred after rhinoplasty
• Getting rid of eye contour wrinkles and under-eye bags