Infinity Regenerative Clinic
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Detox is not just a mechanical body cleanse. It is a multidimensional, comprehensive process with physical, emotional, and mental effects. A healthy life is possible with the combination of physical and mental health. The relationship between the brain, nervous system, and immune system can directly affect human health. Individuals' emotions and thoughts cause chemical and electrical changes that can be easily measured in the brain and the entire body. Studies have proven that the state of happiness strengthens the immune system, while unhappiness and negative thoughts weaken the body's resistance.
Psychosomatic disorders, which have physical symptoms but originate from the mind and emotions, are one of the most common problems of the modern age. Under the influence of psychosomatic disorders, stress, and the parameters of business and private life, individuals feel extremely weak, unhappy, hopeless, and helpless. It is a well-known fact that such emotional states significantly reduce the body's regeneration and self-repair capacity.
The weakening of any of the physical systems of the body due to excessive stress and anxiety can cause a disease to develop there. For example, if the person's neck is the weakest point physically, it is highly likely that they will experience neck pain in such a situation. Mental health problems, in addition to minor physical symptoms that negatively affect quality of life, can also cause much more serious conditions such as chronic pain, ulcers, fibromyalgia, heart diseases, asthma, skin problems, eczema, and cancer.
Free Your Mind programme contributes to the physical and mental cleansing of individuals, thereby optimising their overall health. Stress and anxiety levels are reduced, and awareness and focus are increased. Mental clarity is achieved. Senses such as sight, hearing, and taste are strengthened. The body's self-renewal mechanism is activated. The body is purified of dead cells. The immune system is strengthened. The symptoms of the disease are eliminated. Toxins caused by other factors such as poor quality of breathing air, incompatibility of consumed foods with human nature, sedentary lifestyle and smoking are removed from the body. With the removal of toxins from the body, the person feels much more energetic.