Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Gallbladder Program
Today, due to unfavourable living conditions, bile synthesis and flow are impaired in many people. Irregular and unbalanced nutrition, environmental pollution, synthetic drugs, excessive sugar consumption, cholesterol, and sedentary lifestyle all cause the bile fluid's biochemistry to become denser and even solidify.
Solidified bile begins to turn into cholesterol clots and then stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts. This pathological condition affects the mucous layer of the gallbladder, causing obstruction of the bile duct and even triggering cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), cholelithiasis (stone formation in the gallbladder), cholangitis (inflammation of the bile ducts) and similar diseases.
Symptoms of gallbladder problems include: earthy face, dryness in the mouth, bitter taste, pain under the liver and on the sides, headache, burning under the feet, chills, excessive sweating, swelling in the armpits, and back, foot, and knee pain. When bile solidifies and loses its fluidity, people become irritable, aggressive, and overreactive to everything. Today, gallbladder disorders are the most common among the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. In modern medicine, it is preferred to remove the gallbladder by surgery to solve this problem. However, this method is conservative and means depriving a person of an organ. In order for the gallbladder not to cause painful problems, to work healthily for a long time without being destroyed, and to support a healthy life, it must be cleansed at regular intervals.
The Gallbladder Program is designed to treat existing gallbladder stones and disorders, to purify the gallbladder, and to prevent the re-formation of gallstones in healthy people.
The Gallbladder Program supports gallbladder function by increasing natural bile production and enabling the liver to eliminate fatty substances. It facilitates the digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. In addition, it reduces inflammation of the gallbladder and dissolves and shrinks gallstones, allowing them to be removed from the body.
With gallbladder cleansing, natural bile production increases and metabolism accelerates. Digestive system functioning is optimized; fat burning increases. Thus, a healthy body weight and fitness are achieved.