Infinity Regenerative Clinic
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Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Kidney Program

The functions of the kidneys include keeping the composition of the blood balanced; regulating the amount of fluid in the body; controlling the electrolyte balance of the blood; helping to regulate blood pressure; and producing hormones. The kidneys also act as biological filters in the body and cleanse the blood of the organic and inorganic wastes from the biological and chemical reactions in the organism, as well as toxins and other harmful components. Due to bad eating habits, genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders, sedentary lifestyle and other factors, the kidneys are strained, tired, and worn out. Over time, they become unable to fulfil their duties adequately.

Kidneys must always be fit for a healthy life. Many conditions experienced actually indicate that the kidneys do not work well and that they need urgent care and cleansing. Severe pain in the lower abdomen, high fever, difficulty urinating, sometimes type 2 diabetes, edema in the feet, bags under the eyes, even impaired hearing and vision can be a sign of kidney disorders.

Regular cleansing of the kidneys regulates blood pressure, strengthens metabolism and helps to lose excess weight. It keeps the skin beautiful and young as well as prolonging the time the body stays healthy and vigorous.

Kidney Program implemented within Infinity Regenerative Clinic has anti-lytic, diuretic, antiseptic (anti-infection), anti-nephrotoxic (eliminating the toxic effects of toxic chemicals and drugs in the kidney), anti-hepatotoxic (liver protecting) and anti-inflammatory effects. Thanks to these effects, it provides soothing of the urinary tract tissue and stimulating the renal tissue.

Infinity Regenerative Clinic ensures that the kidneys are cleansed in natural ways. Health of the whole urinary system, including kidney, bladder and urine, is supported. The essential vitamins and minerals are supplemented. The program also helps kidneys work optimally and stay healthy, and minimizes the risk of kidney disease.

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