Infinity Regenerative Clinic
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Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Lung Program

Breath is the energy source of life. People inhale and exhale until the end of their lives. The lungs, which are the basic organs of the respiratory system, take the oxygen required for metabolism activities from the atmosphere and transfer it to the blood circulation, and the carbon dioxide formed as a result of metabolism and collected with the blood flow is released into the atmosphere. As a result of environmental pollution, the inhaled air is not clean, causing large amounts of dust, microbes, toxins, and heavy metals to enter the body. The lungs protect the body by filtering harmful substances in the air.

Today, lung diseases are increasing rapidly due to a sedentary lifestyle, environmental pollution, industrial waste, dust, oxygen deficiency, stressful life and smoking habits. When unhealthy foods and excessive alcohol consumption are added to this, the situation becomes much more serious.

As a result, the lungs cannot perform their duties adequately, and the risk of catching various diseases increases. As a result of less oxygen entering the body, all other organs are deeply affected. Their functions are impaired, leading to general weakness in the whole organism. Therefore, periodic lung cleansing is an indispensable requirement for a healthy life.

The Lung Program, which is very effective for supporting the health of the lungs and bronchial system, balances the mucus level in the body and facilitates breathing by controlling mucus production. It strengthens the bronchial immune system and protects it from allergies.

This program, which cleanses the lungs and supports respiration, helps to keep the airways open and relaxes breathing.

Within the scope of the Lung Program, toxins and heavy metals are removed from the blood, its biochemistry is enriched, and its oxygen and nutrient carrying capacity is increased. This improves blood circulation to the lungs. This programme supports cellular oxygen and nutrient uptake in the lungs with the antioxidants it contains. It removes the poisonous tar accumulated in the lungs due to smoking.

By cleansing the lungs and airways, the Lung Program
• It eliminates the bad taste in the mouth.
• It regenerates the lungs.
• supports respiratory system health.
• It optimises the functioning of the metabolism.
• It strengthens the immune system.
• It improves the quality of life.
• It rejuvenates the body.

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