Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system, which is a very important part of the immune system, is responsible for delivering nutrients to cells and tissues, returning lost proteins to the circulation, and clearing wastes formed as a result of biological activities. A healthy and actively functioning lymphatic system utilises the natural movements of smooth muscle tissue in order to perform all these functions. Lymph fluid moves with blood circulation because the lymphatic system does not have a driving force like the heart. Lymphatic drainage is a massage technique that moves the excess fluid accumulated in the body along the lymphatic vessels and helps to increase the flow rate of the lymph fluid.
Lymphatic drainage promotes blood circulation and tissue regeneration. It removes edoema and swelling from the body. By removing toxins, it tightens the skin and improves its general appearance. It strengthens the immune system. It helps relieve fibromyalgia symptoms. It increases the healing rate of orthopaedic disorders. It provides physical and mental relaxation. The functioning of the digestive system is improved. It contributes to the regulation of metabolic activities of individuals who have problems such as constipation and indigestion. It is good for many psychological problems, such as stress, anxiety, tension, and fatigue. Sleep quality is increased and quality of life is improved.
Lymphatic drainage can be used to treat the following conditions:
• Fibromyalgia
• Lymphedema
• Edema and swelling
• Skin disorders
• Sleep disorders
• Chronic fatigue
• Stress, anxiety, burnout
• Digestive problems
• Migraine
• Arthritis