Infinity Regenerative Clinic
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Infinity Regenerative Clinic

Mesotherapy, an acupuncture-like treatment performed with a needle, is carried out by injecting a medicated solution into the region to be treated. It is used for skin-renewing, anti-aging, regional slimming, cellulite, cracks, spots, scars, hair treatment, acute and chronic pain, and the treatment of various skin diseases.

It is a technique in which amino acids, vitamins, and minerals are administered, alone or as a special combination, by microinjection into the middle layer of the skin. The direct uniting of this substance with the skin stimulates the structures like collagen and elastin, and regulates the blood circulation, lymphatic circulation, and immune response to renew the skin. These applications should be carried out by specialists at the correct proportion, being customised for individuals.

Mesotherapy may be used in the following situation:
• Sagging and ageing skin
• Spot treatment, sun spots
• Skin flaws
• Excessive cellulite
• Loss of weight
• Baldness, hair loss, and hair treatment
• Blemishes and bags under the eyes
• Allergic reactions
• Sports-related injuries
• Pain, both acute and chronic
• Fibromyalgia

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