Infinity Regenerative Clinic
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Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Nutrigenetic Nutrition

Traditional eating habits are based on the averages of society. However, with genetic analysis, individual needs can be determined and a suitable eating and drinking plan can be designed.

The relationship between genetics and nutrition was first understood as a result of the Human Genome Project. In studies on the human gene, the sequence of approximately 20 thousand genes in the structure of DNA was revealed with all its details, and the science of nutrigenetics also developed rapidly. Nutrigenetics is a science that examines the relationship between an individual’s genetic structure and food. In other words, it is the analysis of the compatibility of foods with the genetic structure.

Nutrigenetics shows that people respond differently to different foods according to their genetic makeup. A nutrient that may be beneficial for one individual may be useless for another and even pose various risks. This is due to genetic differences.

As a result of gene analyses performed on individuals, it is possible to create nutrition programmes that are completely tailored to the individual. In this way, it can be determined which nutrients individuals need more of and which nutrients their bodies react negatively to, and a healthier life for the future can be built today.

The advantages of nutrigenetic nutrition are:
• Maintaining weight control and body health
• Transforming a personalised diet plan into a personalised lifestyle over time
• About 3 times faster weight loss than traditional diet practices.
• Great protection against genetically transmitted diseases with a diet suitable for genetic structure.

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