Infinity Regenerative Clinic
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Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Preventive Dentistry

Regular control is highly important for mouth and tooth health. Therefore, they should not be disregarded and postponed. These routine controls, which should be repeated every six months, enable decay that may occur or other conditions to be diagnosed and treated early. Commencing treatment at the time when problems have just started will be both healthier and much more advantageous.

In this regard, preventive dentistry includes procedures that aim and take precautions to prevent mouth and chin disorders before they occur. Frequently encountered problems such as tooth decay and gum inflammation are diagnosed early and their occurrence is prevented. An unnoticed and even worsening problem may lead to an irreversible outcome like tooth loss.

Fluoride Implementation
To have healthy teeth, first of all, existing tooth decay should be treated, and dentin should be reinforced. Fluoride is a natural element that slows down tooth decay and prevents it from getting worse. Although often implemented in children, it is suitable for all age groups. It is a coating that dries up quickly by means of saliva and easily adheres to teeth. It provides strength to the dentin. It is applied in two ways, namely systemic (fluoride supplement, fluoride water and salt) and topical (tooth paste, mouthwash, varnish gel). It may be applied four times a year to people with a high risk of decay.

Tooth Decay Risk Analysis
Tooth decay is directly related to the foods we eat, our lifestyle, and how well we care for our teeth. is more frequently seen in children, adults are also at risk. It is known that the teeth of some individuals are more predisposed to decay. Identifying this status and the measures to be taken carry great importance for mouth and tooth health. Tooth decay risk analysis enables the diagnosis and treatment of individuals predisposed to tooth decay. With the kits used for this purpose, the amount and nature of the saliva of the person is assessed. As a result of the relatively short analysing procedure, care is exercised according to the diet recommended by the dentist, and protection can be achieved against decay.

Fissure Sealant
Cracked and indented parts of teeth are called fissures. These fissures are relatively suitable places where food residues can accumulate and microbes can grow. Studies showed that approximately 90% of tooth decay stemmed from fissures present in the chewing surfaces of back teeth. Fissure sealants are implementations that cover these cracks and indentations in teeth, thus preventing decay from occurring. Fissure covering, a considerably simple and painless procedure, is also referred to as tooth vaccination. Because, with this method, preventing decay can be achieved up to 80%.

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