Infinity Regenerative Clinic
Psoriasis Program
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that manifests itself as reddish-pink patches that swell, itch, and crust over the skin. It negatively affects the psychological and social lives of individuals. If not controlled, it also paves the way for other diseases such as sleep disorders, joint disorders, depression, obesity, diabetes and hypertension.
Psoriasis patients have mutated regions in their DNA. While the risk of a child with psoriasis in only one of their parents is about 10%, if both parents have it, the rate is 50% or more. In addition, environmental factors such as intense stress, excessive alcohol consumption, skin injuries, infections, and sunburns are also thought to be effective in the development of psoriasis.
Within the scope of the Psoriasis Program, the treatment process of psoriasis is carried out with approaches that go beyond temporary solutions and solve the problem from the root. Considering all possible causes, types, stages, and categories of psoriasis, both internal and external treatment administrations are carried out.
The Psoriasis Program;
• It relieves itching,
• It repairs inflammation,
• Returns blood circulation to its normal course,
• It eliminates allergic reactions,
• It destroys harmful bacteria,
• Symptoms are eliminated with external interventions,
• It treats autoimmune disorders and strengthens the immune system,
• Thanks to internal interventions, the causes of the disease are fought,