Infinity Regenerative Clinic
You Got The Power
Intense work pressure, stressful living conditions, harmful eating habits, and psychological problems affect human health negatively. Chronic fatigue, which is one of the conditions whose incidence has been increasing in recent years, develops due to all these factors. Fatigue can be described as feeling weak, worn out, and inadequate while performing daily routines. It is of great importance for both physical and mental health to treat this condition, which can become increasingly severe and cause problems in many areas, from business life to private life.
Fatigue that does not go away for months and accompanying muscle pain, weakness, reluctance, and exhaustion that interferes with daily activities, the body's inability to recover for a long time after exercise, forgetfulness and inability to focus, a feeling of drowsiness despite adequate sleep, and hypersensitivity to environmental factors such as sound and light are the most common chronic fatigue symptoms.
You Got The Power Program relieves symptoms caused by chronic fatigue. With personalised treatments, the proliferation of blood cells and the increase in energy level are ensured. The immune system is strengthened and the body's resistance to diseases is increased. Muscle and joint pain is repaired. The factors that make physical activity difficult and create the psychology of illness are eliminated. By optimising the circulatory system, oxidative stress is reduced. There is a significant improvement in sexual desire and performance. Sleep quality has improved. Cognitive functions are supported; memory and focus are improved. By clearing the wastes accumulated in the body and the lactic acid that causes fatigue, the person feels much more vigorous and energetic throughout the day and especially in the morning. This dynamism has positive effects on the self-confidence and psychology of individuals.